Friday, May 20, 2011

Negative space

Never use Papyrus, never type vertical, 7 degree angle only. This just needs to go into the trash. I can not say how much is wrong with it. There are no words that describe how bad this is. Well, maybe, trash, no, beyond horrific.

Kerning and Leading

Kerning and Leading is very important. When everything is really tight together it makes it really hard to read and does not look appealing either. Also when letters are to far apart some words do not look like words. Just letters.

Can words make you hungry?

It may be words, but it is 3D. It looks like fries. I want some now. I feel like I can reach into the picture and grab one. I don't know what I would do if this was real. I like it better in a picture than if it was right next to me. It would not look right and if it was shinny would not make me hungry. I really like how this works. Although it will not make me a Burger King fan.

color and text

All that was used here was color and text. I would not be surprised if the text were lines from the movie. I would like this more if it was so. Looking at it, it feel like it as movement. I say that is another point is saying this is a well done piece.

Trying to make a 60's album cover

Lady Gaga is a modern  version of the 60's. I duplicated one photo four times. Each photo was then made in random colors, none duplicated.  Although the thought behind it works for the 60's, the text I used did not work. I need to study fonts from that time more.

posters from the 60's

The 60's was about drugs, learning sexuality, and the beginning of the hippies. They used bright colors, the female body, and font that was round and organic. I like this piece because it stated all the about description.

Friday, May 13, 2011

One line, or a whole paragraph?

One line, or a whole paragraph? Tattoos will always be viewed with disgust or approval. I myself like tattoos. When it comes to having words on my body, I would only pick a line. Although, if there was something really meaningful I could see having a whole paragraph. I find more meaning in less words then more. If you have to use a lot of words to express yourself then you need to look with in again. Make people think with only one line. It will make them look with in themselves as well.

Restaurant signs

Some people don't realize that signs restaurant puts up makes it appealing or not. This sign I feel is a really good exsample of an appealing restaurant. There is nothing off about it. It is flowing and smooth. Has a very comfortable feel.

Bad Sign

There are signs that should never be seen. This sign has a good idea, but the curve that the name is following is way off. I would find a way to make the letters smaller and curve it more, so it is not and odd curve

Pictures made out of letters

Ever play with letters? Make pictures out of letters? Next time you have free time try it out. At first it can be frustrating but the end result is worth it. Manly if it turns out like above.